Grow your profits without lifting a finger. We offer several saving solutions so you can find an account that fits your needs.
Unlike other business ventures, you don’t have to worry about your investment. We guarantee to keep your savings safe and growing. With convenient services like online banking, you can manage your money from your office, home, and even your phone!
Business Savings
This straightforward savings account can help put your business in a position to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. Receive a competitive rate and access to your funds when needed.
- Competitive rates
- Free online banking
- Free e-statements
- $100 minimum deposit to open
Business Super Shares
Increase your earning potential without locking up your funds. In fact, access is enhanced with free electronic money-management services.
- Tiered rate structure, starting on balances of $1,000*
- Ability to earn higher rate with larger balances
- No monthly fees
- Free online banking
- Free e-statements
- $1,000 minimum deposit to open
Business Share Certificates
Improve your earnings without risking any of your company’s cash assets. Simply pick the term and your funds earn a guaranteed fixed rate. By laddering maturity dates, you can add liquidity to your investments.
- Higher returns than savings accounts
- Fixed rates for length of term
- Terms range from six months to five years
- Early withdrawals subject to penalty**
- $500 minimum deposit to open
*If balance falls below $1000, the remaining balance is transferred to regular savings rate
**Early withdrawals may result in 90-day dividend penalty